#Apsim xml package zip#
Processes: application will re-compressed the data package into a single zip package as first output, while translating the data into ACEB (harmonized data format) for the second output. ACEB Data Sources: Data file with *.ACEB format.
Inside zip archive, it will support Survey data CSV file DSSAT format files APSIM cultivar XML files *.AgMIP weather data files.
It will generate a single data package ready for using by QuadUI classic App.
#Apsim xml package plus#
This App is used for input data from multiple package or source, like original survey data package plus a weather data package and cultivar package. The visualization Apps are not repeated in this workflow since you can re-use the ones listed in the regular RIA workflow. You could use Apps from here instead of regular RIA workflows if you would like, but this will need more effort to create workflow since more Apps are involved here. The Apps are more close to applications we used in desktop side, and will produce the exactly same result as RIA workflows. It includes the apps of generating inputs for different crop models (QuadUI Classic), running crop models (DSSAT 4.5 and APSIM 7.5), and producing ACMO report with unified format for simulation result (ACMOUI). The RIA_Others workflow targets the Regional Integrated Assessment experiment as well.